I have been thinking this morning about the ‘theme’ of my blog… that
is it’s appearance, and I am not sure I like it… it doesn’t feel like
me… So I have started the process of finding just the right theme, just
the right first impression for the people that read my blog.
I think that one thing I really wanted with this blog was to be a
little more honest, rather than it just a glorified primary school
diary. But I guess like anything else on the internet it’s easy to hid
behind graphics, words and the fact that you can really tell the world
anything that you want to and no one can actually check that it’s true.
I guess the hard thing for me is that you actually know who I am, the
people that read this are usually my friends and family, the people that
I see on a regular basis, or I guess when it comes down to it the
people whose options I care about, so it’s a scary thought to let people
in. I guess by sharing my life I also share the stories and the
relationships of those around me and that is a scary thought too because
then my words impact more than just me. I guess too, I have a healthy
sense of internet security and don’t really want to go into all the
details of my life because I know that once it’s on the internet… it
stays on the internet. So I guess I am guarded in how much I share
about the things that really challenge me coz I don’t want them to come
back an bit me in the butt so to speak. The thing is though when I look
at the blogs I like to read… they are the ones that are raw, they talk
or personal struggle and triumph, of pain and joy, and they actually
allow me to share someone’s life with them, to learn from what they have
learnt… and that’s what I want. I know this isn’t the first time I
have blogged about this, but it’s something that I don’t think I have
achieved since I last posted it, but I am freshly inspired… thanks to a
few of my blogging buddies and their courageous honesty.
So here is too another fresh start of sorts… to a more honest blog,
one that actually shares my thoughts not just my deeds. One that
actually says this is me… this who I am. A blog that actually shares
my curiosities about life… not just my whinging, but one that asks
questions and shares the answers as I find them… or the new questions I
have on my quest.
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