Monday, September 19, 2011

It's Not About How I Feel

As I think I have previously mentioned on this blog times have been changing at my salvo corps, for the past 8 weeks while we have been leaderless, the young adults have been stepping up and having a go at preaching, coordinating and generally getting involved, and it has actually been really good, like seriously good. I have been blown away by the things I have learnt, the hidden talents of my friends and by the way that God has just so very very very clearly had His hand on the whole thing, guiding, prompting and using us in a huge way. In fact part of me is a little sad that it’s all over, but I think that it’s actually just the beginning… but that’s a different blog
Over the last 8 weeks even though its been very powerful and we have (with lots of help from the big man of course) ‘pulled it off’ so to speak, there have been lots of frustrating times, challenging situations and sometimes I just haven’t wanted to do it any more. Last night I shared a video about worship which thanks to facebook’s news feed I had found, which talked about how we just go through the motions and make worship about us… in fact you can watch it for yourself…


At the end of the video I talked about the fact that sometimes I feel like just going through the motions and getting my ‘worship face’ on because I just couldn’t be bothered giving it my all, but that actually God calls us to more and that He deserves more, so much more. I was then reminded by a very wise man that it’s not actually about how we feel at all. In fact what we feel like doing is often irrelevant because God is bigger than feeling. This idea is something that I had heard before, but I had forgotten, being the emotional, feelings based person I am. I am so glad that God is bigger than my feelings and that he is steadfast in His love. I am so glad that he doesn’t actually call us to be ‘in the mood’ but instead just to be obedient and that he actually honours our faithfulness when we are obedient even when we don’t feel like it. I am glad that God’s brain isn't based on the flippant emotions that I feel… I am glad that he does have emotion and that we are able to experience his emotion, both good and bad, but that it isn’t his emotion that calls the shots, but instead his heart of love, justice and mercy… I am also thankful that he used his obedient servant to remind me of this.

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